Hallucinogenic primordial visionary states. increased awareness. A doorknob:  in the background crackle of the cavernous universe an alien grub creature, its spongy flesh anaemic white, crouches protectively upon the frosted surface of the sphere, a thick grumous liquid, like curdled milk, oozing out of a nipple-like swelling atop its back, drips onto the polished chrome, smearing it and congealing there.


Anxiety states: The strengthening rays of the rising sun glitter on the doorknob, and as they do it starts to revolve. Thin shards of chromium begin to flake away, fragments drifting like metallic confetti. The grub thing extends its body upwards, then it begins to rock gently, in a steady rhythm.


Sparks leap between the floating chromium  shavings, blue light arcs around the swaying grub, as a  hand, from the watcher, lifts toward the knob…