Milky Way Dreamer
And she is floating, drifting out, above
The fading rooftops and the concrete haze
Of dirty tenements; a fume choked dove
Shedding city clothes, upward lifting gaze
Toward the milk white seam that streaks the night.
Embraced by sighs that ghost her pillowed head
A glitter shower eclipses street lights:
Snowfall of light-years on her dreaming bed.
Free-fall confetti bathes the cosmic bride,
A million little pearls, sweetly shifting;
She moves a tiny hand, turns on her side,
And this brittle flower blinks on waking,
And these eyes that once were city shrouded,
Are Pleiades bright and nebula clouded.
Her eyes stained glass, her hair peroxide blond,
A uniform of blue her schooldays dress,
Shining as the classroom’s lighthouse beacon
To the boys; in glancing looks, curve of breast,
Catwalk proud stance: Aladdin’s gilded cave.
She in truth a would be anorexic
By twenty-one, childhood’s withered blossom;
Nocturnal broken doll tenement sick
Beside the kitchen sink, or bedroom long
Beneath the sheets dreaming – for gilding fades.
On a beach in printed swimsuit, flower
Blossoms’ blue on white over puppy fat,
“Just a teenage thing,” her mother told her,
She sulks beneath her brand new summer hat,
While smooth curved women make the grand parade
Past adolescent boys who, to impress,
Brawl in puffs of dustbowl sand; childhood fades.
She sucks her stomach flat and pinches flesh.
Lovesick Norma-Jean of ice cream, deck chairs,
Beach balls, multi-coloured blankets, lollies,
Dreaming of her Marilyn, streaming hair,
Peroxide blond city pretty polly
Of the high rise; reflected wishes sigh
In the golden pigment of her eyes.
Birthday Dreamer
And look: outside the window neon moons
Are shining, splashing slanting sea blue rays
Against the pastel walls of Sally’s room,
Against posters friends gave on past birthdays.
Sixteen! Tomorrow moves on dreamer’s lips:
Thin filament of shifting white she’ll wear…
Chili pepper hair…scent from Paris drips
On wrist, to please the stranger by the stair.
On the flaked, grey windowsill stands a bowl
Of paper flowers – bright oranges, red
Tinted whites – fragile things to which her soul
Brings the meagre garden’s rose perfumed beds.
In her translating head a car alarm
As a bird is singing. The room is warm.
In the high rise
In the high rise bulkhead lights are bleeding
On stair well, where he groped beneath her top;
Where his drunken promise set her dreaming
She stands, the watcher of the tower block.
A little flower blooms against her breast,
A saint carved in blue, on a fragile chain,
Casting roses through the chicken wire mesh
On broken windows, a wonderful rain.
Sunlight spills upon a shard of glass
Beside an ashen, nervous hand that sighs
From rings on fingers, haunts of boyfriends past;
The fake stones glitter, reflect on eyes,
Silver pointed stars, silver pointed stars
In broken windows, above the burnt out cars.
Midlife Sonnet
Her brittle boat takes mid-life’s river bend,
Leaves the driftwood forty years of travels
Trailing sternward, its mounting friction rends
With heat tenement webs, her workday veil,
Melts saleswoman door to door dull patter sighs,
Whispers great poet rhythms to mind
Invisible, unlocks the dreamy eye
Gazing inward, so that, beneath the rind
Of catalogues and “Avon calling”, blows
A photon maelstrom, and from this golden purse
A furnace forms inside, and yearning grows,
Till ten new suns, as one, engulfing burst,
And she becomes a swan necked dagger
Rainbow driven, folding outward, parting air.
She woke
She woke. And then the concrete city came,
Through wish filled seas: on Sally’s martyred eyes
Sodium flared, or was it cars aflame,
Hemmed by grey? She tortured, she crucified,
She shipwrecked high upon a beach of grass,
That stains her cotton dress (of daisy prints),
As summer germinates she spies the cast
Of lover’s body by her side and sinks,
Guy roped, to unvoiced sighs – this morning’s dream
Was golden, silver, bronze, a jewelled display
That anguished died as fading sunlight teamed
On cigarettes and bottles; yesterdays’
long lost amid a maze of neon bars,
And little dull eyed lamps of battered cars.
5×2 ml
5x .07 fl.oz
In a little orange box, treasured seas
Of foreign scent, held in five glass walled rooms;
Decoration- Rêve de Grasse; Mélodie;
Fragonard; Emilie; Murmure: perfume.
As morning sunlight wraps itself around
The bottles’ angles the needle points, kissed
Glass, become as diamonds, summer bound
Small rainbows of ruby and amethyst.
Here are precious metals: silver on gold
On platinum shelved- pure alchemy seams
The Translucent ocean; these bottles hold
The hoarded shapes of hidden teenage dreams.
Released at night on pallid, slender beds,
Filament droplets form as silken webs
The Paper Rose
Her love’s a paper rose. Embraced by glass,
On strands of plaited hair around her neck
Displayed. Fragile ark of memories cast
In crystal deep; uncharted, timeless wreck.
Red tinted petals has the faded rose,
The feathers of the hanging albatross,
The grey becoming red; no voiced wind blows
On this Sargasso sea of glass: her cross.
Oh speckled rose! O, B, A…G, K…
Aldebaran, Rigel, Wolf 359…
John, David, Stephen…a little Milky Way
Framed against her skin. Self-radiant shine,
Run on spectral men; clustered lovers shapes
Vein a noose that anchors breast to nape.
Venus Girl in Bottle
How many shades of orange are there?
What’s the scent of blue? The form of red?
Is Sally made of rainbows once she’s bare
Of city things? Is colour in my head?
Rises – abstract, shattered, colours shifting,
A maze of mirror lenses, angles, curves,
Flowering luminous shards, all lifting,
Trailing glitter showers in drunken swerves –
A Venus girl in bottle, white bordered
Naked colour child, stricken youth aflame,
Secret sapphire shape she midnight hoarded,
A flung reflection of the city lame:
A living show of light, the untapped seam
Beyond our poor vision, the hidden dream.
In the Distant Future an Alien Traveller Visits the Earth.
Before an orange striped horizon stands,
Her world is that of vanished lines and points.
She braids her hair with silver spider hands,
Frail kites of linen flesh on angled joints.
She is tinted gold, dressed in red and blue,
Holds her body translucent to the breeze,
And greets dull, ephemeral shapes that flew
Across her clam shell eyes, out of the trees;
Around her body’s faint electric sparks
Come these wraithlike things, that once were human,
To dash against the current, flare and arc –
Dazzling phantoms bathe the star born woman:
Volcanic particles of unchained truth,
Manlike echoes, the burning absolute.
She has enamel earrings
She has enamel earrings, oval charms,
Tortoise shells of green on purple background,
Edged by forty golden beads, each one farms
Of tufted light, misted webs spinning round.
Their surface scratched, these gifts from Normandy,
Small in palm of hand, and bought by lover
From roadside stall for twenty francs, are seas
Of bright memory, a foam of colour
Whose dazing filaments, of sunlight wove
On disembarking shoreward, fling halos
Round the ashen face – flawless diamonds rove
In sally’s unkempt hair – a blinding show
From rose strewn Liseux, Normandy and France;
Hard held galaxies, sprung from cheap romance.
Friday night in Rose Street under neon,
The sky’s Hellenic myths, zodiac signs
Are lost, or one brief Sirius then gone,
Engulfed in rum and coke and cheap made wine,
Or stillborn die in a blacked out bedroom
Where, once, she nightingaled through storm force lips
Her dreams to pillow, now becalmed too soon
Beneath a stranger, lifting thighs to grip
The skin, patchwork black and blue. Thatcher’s child
Among so many drenched in Wallace, Bruce,
Knows the star grieved Scotland, the hopes defiled.
Across the city, noble Athens look!
The blinded ones are moving; groups of men
Are spitting on the Heart of Lothian.
The city wakes
The city wakes; a web of steel, twisting
Vertebra of outward concrete image,
Yields to warmth of photon spillage, and brings
A breath through window pores to Sally’s cage.
She is wrapped in bedcloth chrysalis; bright,
The sleeper’s waking neonswarded eyes
Are in dream-time herded with foreign sights
They never really saw, are lost in lies,
As nameless pen pal postcards nagging call
To glossy magazines long-time hoarded
Beneath her bed, or plastered across walls.
Normandy, her midnight star connected
Dreams are for you, your church, your towns, your land;
The tortured convent girl of Liseux shines
On bedside paper roses, made by hands
That stack a supermarket’s cut price wines.
The dreamers blue eyes open, one by one,
Street mascarad blue eyes, eyes of Neon.